#4 The US Election will dominate the newswires in 2020. Everyday Donald Trump will be on the front page as the Democrats pull every crazy stunt they can to try and stop him..... they will fail and they will fail badly! They will suffer the same kind of loss Labour did in the UK... why? Because they are peddling the same line, it did`nt work in the UK and it wont fly in the US either. Firstly the Democrats have no exceptional Candidates for President and they have no platform other than Orange Man Bad! Increasing taxes, exporting more jobs out of the US and letting in any Tom, Dick or Harry to compete with me for my minimum wage job..... Let me know how that`s working out for you!!! Look for a Massive Donald Trump Republican win in the US. I would`nt be surprised to see them take the House and the Senate. Wake up Democrats!!! #5 Battle for the Internet. This is shaping up to be another big issue. There will be the roll out on You Tube of it`s new Terms of Use which are so broad that it is hard to interpret and as if that were`nt enough they have introduced a term "Borderline Content" which of course they decide. This is demonetizing or taking down your video because it got too close to one of our rules... You know I`d like to see the faces of these people when I introduced into their Work Description "Borderline Behavior" You know, you did`nt actually do something wrong but you came close we get to end your contract. all I can say is Pffft! WTF! This kind of thing is going on all over Social Media and it is a betrayal of the people who use these platforms. Have rules, yes, but be clear and understandable. COPPA will also have a huge effect. the Childrens Online Privacy and Protection Act. The trouble being you have to declare if you YT video is for children or not. If it is YT will not circulate it, the video goes virtually dark and you lose about 90% of your income....the problem is that there are so many grey areas of what is appealing to a child under 13 years of age. If you have a Crafts channel or Cars, Collectibles, Fishing etc how do you decide? There is a middle choice on YT ie For adults and Kids, however the penalty from YT is the same so it`s no choice at all. Governments want more censorship because they have realized that we can communicate very quickly, start successful memes and change the direction of elections, out lousy candidates on Twitter and that has scared these lazy bunch of circle thinkers... Of course they are trying to shut it down and have successfully done so in India, Iran and Russia. A complete internet shutdown during demonstrations. However, because these systems are integrated with commerce, it also shuts that down too. However we must be ever vigilant to the curtailing of the freedom of expression. It is because we use Freedom of Speech to negotiate all our other Rights that makes it so special and unique... Without it We the People Have no Freedom! Be well!