HoundogSteve 2017 predictions.
Weather. Greater Anomolies. Explain Sun, Cloud and Gulf Stream.
Link Cloud Mystery, Cold Sun, Big Chill Little Ice age, and Adapt 2030, Suspicious 0bservers.
Effects on crops and food prices.
Insurance Claims will take out companies.
Economy. Stag-de-inflation explain. Go through the money system ie bath tub, and musical chairs. Trump rally is based on the euphoria of Hopeium. The formula is flawed. Explain why.
-Talk about Jubilee days and why.
-The World is Choking on debt and there is no resolve in sight.
-Steve Keene : Debts that can`t be paid won`t be paid.
-Debt has to be resolved. Jubilee day only way.
-Explain the “Eatons Theory” and how it applies.
-Growth in systems like Bitcoin and Block Chain. World crying out for an honest platform.
-World wide Agora. Uber, Couch Surf ,com and Air B&B examples.
-Internet businesses with grow as the cost of brick and mortar, insurance, employee wages and benefits drag down traditional business models.
My prediction is that the money system will stall, that they (the elites) won`t change or change in time (See Eatons theory) as everyone realises that there is nothing left but debt. No assets to trade or bid on. No assets at all, just debt, upon debt upon debt.
Legacy Media.
MSM is pretty well flat out on the mat right now. Ad revenues are way down thanks to Kijiji, Ebay, Amazon.com or any of the FB buy and sell pages. They are shifting to the internet but the transition is not going well. The younger generations don`t use these platforms and the older generation don`t like the computer format. So they`re missing both bases and now that the news gathering is so biased and weak they are losing trustworthiness as a source of true news.
The AltMedia will continue to grow as people start looking elsewhere for some kind of honest reporting that they can make decisions around or information people can use. You Tube, ever popular will grow as a method of sharing info.
-Clash between Gov and Google. One is secret the other depends on openness.
-Clash within Gov as people who work start to network and realise that many systems are not working well or just a plain run around and do nothing.
-Legacy Media compounding problems with fake news claims when they are the purveyors of fake news :
Every Election they air bully ads without a qualm
Tomken Bay = Vietnam,
Iraq +weapons of mass destruction,
Libya and Syria,
Afghanistan = Abu Graib,
Panama = CIA take down.
Chile + Alende assasination and Pinochet
all covered by the legacy media and sold to the public as truth.
See link to Washingtons Blog for a list of false flags.
These things are starting to add up to the Government hand in hand with the media to deceive the public. It was this deceit that created the altmedia to fill the void of truth.
PizzaGate may or may not be true, but from my investigations into Podesta`s emails Tony and John`s bizzare taste in art and when you look at the websites of the artists there is some very disturbing stuff there. Some of the poster art for bands also very disturbing. The connection to Jeffrey Epstien,(A convicted pedophile) Jimmy Saville ( a proven pedophile and child procurer for the elite) The connection to Prince Charle, Prince Andrew, The letters from Prince Charles to Jimmy Saville thanking him for the parties. All of the same including Bill Clinton on flight lists to Jeffrey Epstein`s “Orgee Island” ...as I said it still has to be proven in a court of law but for the Legacy media to pretend that pedophillia does`nt happen among some of the elites is a joke and absolute insult to anyone who still remains loyal and it tells me that you hav`nt learned a thing.
The rule to apply to ALL media is don`t trust any of it until you`ve back checked. Most alt media site I have stuck with have show notes and links to verify.
Wow, where do I start? Ukraine? Egypt, Syria, Libya, Europe? UK? Brazil? Argentina? Venezuela? US? Canada seems so calm by comparison.
Middle East. I think Trump is going to pull out of Syria and let the Russians assist Bashar Al Assad restore order. This may have a stabilizing effect to allow Putin to police that whole area. It`s a quagmire and the Americans were fools to go into an area of the World where they have no close allies and no historical perspective. And just like the Americans they barge in throwing their weight around and so busy telling you what`s going on they often fail to see what`s going on in front of their very eye`s sometimes. They are too intent on the big plan which is a US Israeli project to destabalize the entire Middle East to make it impossible for any state to attack Israel, while also controlling some very strategic oil in Iraq and some very strategic land next to Iran. An American Stronghold in the Middle East and Israel (who have just discovered natural gas in the leviathon fields) together would be a formidable force, I believe that plan is now over. I think Trump will say something like. Look, as long as you sell us your oil you can do what you like, but if you fuck with us we will bomb you under the ground. And that will be that, Leave it to the Russians to clean up. I think the World will be an easier place to be in Under a US Trump administration. I see Trump as a Trader, a Deal maker, the ice breaker. He is definitely not a warmonger, wheeling and dealing is not so nice in war time and consequences can be deadly. This attitude will benfit South America which need all the help they can get. Brazil,Argentina and Venezuela are all basket cases. Venezuela voted for democracy recently but scarcity will provide little chance of that. All three large countries have massive debt issues, Massive corruption issues. It`s hard to see any of this get better soon...even with massive cooperation it would be extremely difficult.
South Korea is in a precarious position as Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn takes over as President after the impeachment of the previous President Park Geun-hye`s There was riots in the streets demanding she step down so it was`nt pretty. This at a time when tensions are high with North Korea and Trump wants to re negotiate new trade deals. This will be an interesting story to follow in 2017.
Europe This year brought us Brexit a stunning decision and I think ultimately a good one. Next year I`m predicting the Victory of Marine La Penn who will win because the Globalist Elite are playing the same game, because they don`t get it. It is shutting down the conversation that led to Brexit and Trump. Already they`re taring Le Penn as the most dangerous woman in Europe and a Racist.. Right now Europe is drowning under the weight of immigration illegal or otherwise. Regardless of race colour of creed there are about 2 or 3 million refugees all over Europe, many who have no resources, food or shelter. In a land where they are met often with fear and anger from recent terrorist incidents in France, Spain, Holland and Germany. There are 36,000 un papered children running loose going underground and ferel, a breeding ground for Terrorism. The recent burning of a Calais Tent City for migrants has raised tensions there. Why all these immigrants? Well let me see....Hmm could`nt be that some foreign countries are bombing the crap under the pretence of a no fly zone or financing the same, like Saudi Arabia who are financing and supplying ISIS whilst suppressing rights in their own country, committing terrorist acts in Yemen and Bahrain with American and Canadian supplied weapons and vehicles. But I digress, well it is connected. As long as this is going on there will be an endless stream of migrants from North Africa into Europe who will arrive with nothing, who will be scared, hungry, unable to communicate and desperate...they will be in full survival mode and desperate people do desperate things.. This could collapse the economy, start a war, destabalize countries unable to cope with new arrivals like Turkey and Greece. There will be many issues facing Europe in 2017.
North America
Okay big upset here, Clinton is gone, she will not run in 2020 the health problems that plagued her in this campaign would be worse in 4 years. She is not really a likeable person and fails to rouse the crowd which was seen at her rallies unlike Bernie Saunders and Donald Trump who filled arena`s to overflowing. As a person judging personalities and remember I`m a Barber, I read personalities all day long, Clinton strikes me as cold, dispassionate, arrogant. I watched some of her interviews over the emails and servers and the evasiveness of her answers were blatant, she was not even trying to answer only evade, the same with Loretta Lynch. It is becoming apparent now that the numbers are in that Trump did`nt win the election, Clinton lost it, Trump got the same votes as Mitt Romney did while Hillary got 6 million less votes than Obama. Mitt Romney got a million more female votes that Clinton. The fact that her only message was hate Trump was disturbing to say the least. This election was momentous in that it has broken a 200 year (Probably longer) hold the Globalists have had on power. The Globalist are using the US as the military force to back up it`s hegemony over other countries I.E. Do it or else. Donald Trump has snatched the keys to the battleship away from the Globalists without breaking into a sweat. He has bamboozled the press by Tweeting his ideas, policies and thoughts and forcing the press to actually do some real groundwork if they want to keep up. I think this is good, the MSM have absolutely disgraced themselves in the eyes of the public, they go it so wrong. By telling you how to vote, forcing the story around a woman who had no ability to sustain her position there born out by the result. Whereas Trump played a perfect hand. There is so much at stake here. The response by the MSM leaves you in no doubt the Globalists have been smacked hard by this. There are literaly trillions of dollars of deals that are now up in the air...think Military industrial complex, Big Pharma and Big Agri business all globalists all TPP, TTIP, CETA and NAFTA deals are up in the air. I am not counting out an assassination attempt before inauguration. Should that pass without a hitch I see Trump as a not bad President. He is, in my opinion a trader, a salesman....the Apprentice the show he hosted is his persona. He`s the guy who opens the door and gets the deal done. I could see him saying something like....... : “What do you need to make this deal work? What do you need us to do to cut a deal? And work from there. I have no doubt he is a skilled negotiator and he has already got Ford to stay in the US, Apple I believe is going to bring some of it`s manufacturing to the US, Carrier have kept a 1000 jobs at a plant in NC, Convinced the Philippines to stick with the US, and resumed diplomatic relations with Russia and he`s not even in office yet! Needless to say 2017 will continue to be tenuious as we are slowing down economically and this will put a lot of pressure on partnerships. Could there be a war? There already is about 7 or 8 conflicts going on right now and what will Indias war on cash do it`s population and it`s relationship with Kashmir and Pakistan, edgy at the best of times what with climate related crop shortages and possible climate refugees exacerbating the situation. Yes a hot war could break out at any time and ongoing trade wars loom. Democrates........ Putin is right on this one.......You have to learn to lose with dignity, sadly this seems to be lost on the Democratic party and it`s supporters
Another big topic...the big question is can the Millennial Generation tear themselves away from their devices long enough to do anything. Personal devices like phones, ipads etc serve to connect us btu they are also a way to disconnect us from the personal interaction that fills in the gaps and gives real meaning to our lives. It is not enough to know how to do something better or faster or more efficiently if you don`t know why your doing it in the first place and it is not effective. This is one of the big flaws in our money system as I explained before this continual syphoning off money to pay exponential interest growth it creates a game of musical chairs where there is say 100 people and 75 chairs. That chair is your home, your life everything. This means in this game 25 people are going to sleep out on the street tonight if they don`t get a chair but just to make it interesting we`re going to have some people who are better equipped than others to survive in this setting, for further interest every time the inflation cycle goes around another chair is taken out of the game so the game speeds up and becomes more desperate as time passes and desperate people do desperate things. I think we will see some brilliant innovation come out of this, those who are good at what they do will command good pay. I would say that going forward any one who want to work will have to produce a tangible result. I think in education Colleges will thrive as they tend to offer more hands on training, same at universities the soft arts will struggle as parents refuse to pay for SJW (Social Justice Warrior) type courses like the humanities, rights issues etc. Being a SJW will be a sure way to kill your job prospects, no employer who depends on the well oiled functioning of a team will hire a trouble seeking/making SJW to disrupt that. So I think the SJW thing will just fade away, it`s not huge anyway, not as large as you might think from the strident vocal attitude of it`s leaders. It will also fade because not only is it toxic to human relationships in general to tar everything in a negative aspect, it is totally unworkable in the real world, we do work together and have to interact and mistakes will continue to be made and from them we will learn but not by shutting down the conversation, name calling and that all Rights apply to everyone equally. If there is an issue, yes that must be addressed but not to the point where that issue is elevated above the point of equality! And that is the problem with SJW`s it has gone beyond the point of equality.
I think we will see more mobility of people seeking better work, as projects like the tar sands shut down because of low oil prices reflecting lack of demand because although people will be moving around more that will be a segment of the population, the majority, retirees will stay put or downsize. I don`t think everyone appreciates what the drop off in spending for seniors will result in
Weather. Greater Anomolies. Explain Sun, Cloud and Gulf Stream.
Link Cloud Mystery, Cold Sun, Big Chill Little Ice age, and Adapt 2030, Suspicious 0bservers.
Effects on crops and food prices.
Insurance Claims will take out companies.
Economy. Stag-de-inflation explain. Go through the money system ie bath tub, and musical chairs. Trump rally is based on the euphoria of Hopeium. The formula is flawed. Explain why.
-Talk about Jubilee days and why.
-The World is Choking on debt and there is no resolve in sight.
-Steve Keene : Debts that can`t be paid won`t be paid.
-Debt has to be resolved. Jubilee day only way.
-Explain the “Eatons Theory” and how it applies.
-Growth in systems like Bitcoin and Block Chain. World crying out for an honest platform.
-World wide Agora. Uber, Couch Surf ,com and Air B&B examples.
-Internet businesses with grow as the cost of brick and mortar, insurance, employee wages and benefits drag down traditional business models.
My prediction is that the money system will stall, that they (the elites) won`t change or change in time (See Eatons theory) as everyone realises that there is nothing left but debt. No assets to trade or bid on. No assets at all, just debt, upon debt upon debt.
Legacy Media.
MSM is pretty well flat out on the mat right now. Ad revenues are way down thanks to Kijiji, Ebay, Amazon.com or any of the FB buy and sell pages. They are shifting to the internet but the transition is not going well. The younger generations don`t use these platforms and the older generation don`t like the computer format. So they`re missing both bases and now that the news gathering is so biased and weak they are losing trustworthiness as a source of true news.
The AltMedia will continue to grow as people start looking elsewhere for some kind of honest reporting that they can make decisions around or information people can use. You Tube, ever popular will grow as a method of sharing info.
-Clash between Gov and Google. One is secret the other depends on openness.
-Clash within Gov as people who work start to network and realise that many systems are not working well or just a plain run around and do nothing.
-Legacy Media compounding problems with fake news claims when they are the purveyors of fake news :
Every Election they air bully ads without a qualm
Tomken Bay = Vietnam,
Iraq +weapons of mass destruction,
Libya and Syria,
Afghanistan = Abu Graib,
Panama = CIA take down.
Chile + Alende assasination and Pinochet
all covered by the legacy media and sold to the public as truth.
See link to Washingtons Blog for a list of false flags.
These things are starting to add up to the Government hand in hand with the media to deceive the public. It was this deceit that created the altmedia to fill the void of truth.
PizzaGate may or may not be true, but from my investigations into Podesta`s emails Tony and John`s bizzare taste in art and when you look at the websites of the artists there is some very disturbing stuff there. Some of the poster art for bands also very disturbing. The connection to Jeffrey Epstien,(A convicted pedophile) Jimmy Saville ( a proven pedophile and child procurer for the elite) The connection to Prince Charle, Prince Andrew, The letters from Prince Charles to Jimmy Saville thanking him for the parties. All of the same including Bill Clinton on flight lists to Jeffrey Epstein`s “Orgee Island” ...as I said it still has to be proven in a court of law but for the Legacy media to pretend that pedophillia does`nt happen among some of the elites is a joke and absolute insult to anyone who still remains loyal and it tells me that you hav`nt learned a thing.
The rule to apply to ALL media is don`t trust any of it until you`ve back checked. Most alt media site I have stuck with have show notes and links to verify.
Wow, where do I start? Ukraine? Egypt, Syria, Libya, Europe? UK? Brazil? Argentina? Venezuela? US? Canada seems so calm by comparison.
Middle East. I think Trump is going to pull out of Syria and let the Russians assist Bashar Al Assad restore order. This may have a stabilizing effect to allow Putin to police that whole area. It`s a quagmire and the Americans were fools to go into an area of the World where they have no close allies and no historical perspective. And just like the Americans they barge in throwing their weight around and so busy telling you what`s going on they often fail to see what`s going on in front of their very eye`s sometimes. They are too intent on the big plan which is a US Israeli project to destabalize the entire Middle East to make it impossible for any state to attack Israel, while also controlling some very strategic oil in Iraq and some very strategic land next to Iran. An American Stronghold in the Middle East and Israel (who have just discovered natural gas in the leviathon fields) together would be a formidable force, I believe that plan is now over. I think Trump will say something like. Look, as long as you sell us your oil you can do what you like, but if you fuck with us we will bomb you under the ground. And that will be that, Leave it to the Russians to clean up. I think the World will be an easier place to be in Under a US Trump administration. I see Trump as a Trader, a Deal maker, the ice breaker. He is definitely not a warmonger, wheeling and dealing is not so nice in war time and consequences can be deadly. This attitude will benfit South America which need all the help they can get. Brazil,Argentina and Venezuela are all basket cases. Venezuela voted for democracy recently but scarcity will provide little chance of that. All three large countries have massive debt issues, Massive corruption issues. It`s hard to see any of this get better soon...even with massive cooperation it would be extremely difficult.
South Korea is in a precarious position as Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn takes over as President after the impeachment of the previous President Park Geun-hye`s There was riots in the streets demanding she step down so it was`nt pretty. This at a time when tensions are high with North Korea and Trump wants to re negotiate new trade deals. This will be an interesting story to follow in 2017.
Europe This year brought us Brexit a stunning decision and I think ultimately a good one. Next year I`m predicting the Victory of Marine La Penn who will win because the Globalist Elite are playing the same game, because they don`t get it. It is shutting down the conversation that led to Brexit and Trump. Already they`re taring Le Penn as the most dangerous woman in Europe and a Racist.. Right now Europe is drowning under the weight of immigration illegal or otherwise. Regardless of race colour of creed there are about 2 or 3 million refugees all over Europe, many who have no resources, food or shelter. In a land where they are met often with fear and anger from recent terrorist incidents in France, Spain, Holland and Germany. There are 36,000 un papered children running loose going underground and ferel, a breeding ground for Terrorism. The recent burning of a Calais Tent City for migrants has raised tensions there. Why all these immigrants? Well let me see....Hmm could`nt be that some foreign countries are bombing the crap under the pretence of a no fly zone or financing the same, like Saudi Arabia who are financing and supplying ISIS whilst suppressing rights in their own country, committing terrorist acts in Yemen and Bahrain with American and Canadian supplied weapons and vehicles. But I digress, well it is connected. As long as this is going on there will be an endless stream of migrants from North Africa into Europe who will arrive with nothing, who will be scared, hungry, unable to communicate and desperate...they will be in full survival mode and desperate people do desperate things.. This could collapse the economy, start a war, destabalize countries unable to cope with new arrivals like Turkey and Greece. There will be many issues facing Europe in 2017.
North America
Okay big upset here, Clinton is gone, she will not run in 2020 the health problems that plagued her in this campaign would be worse in 4 years. She is not really a likeable person and fails to rouse the crowd which was seen at her rallies unlike Bernie Saunders and Donald Trump who filled arena`s to overflowing. As a person judging personalities and remember I`m a Barber, I read personalities all day long, Clinton strikes me as cold, dispassionate, arrogant. I watched some of her interviews over the emails and servers and the evasiveness of her answers were blatant, she was not even trying to answer only evade, the same with Loretta Lynch. It is becoming apparent now that the numbers are in that Trump did`nt win the election, Clinton lost it, Trump got the same votes as Mitt Romney did while Hillary got 6 million less votes than Obama. Mitt Romney got a million more female votes that Clinton. The fact that her only message was hate Trump was disturbing to say the least. This election was momentous in that it has broken a 200 year (Probably longer) hold the Globalists have had on power. The Globalist are using the US as the military force to back up it`s hegemony over other countries I.E. Do it or else. Donald Trump has snatched the keys to the battleship away from the Globalists without breaking into a sweat. He has bamboozled the press by Tweeting his ideas, policies and thoughts and forcing the press to actually do some real groundwork if they want to keep up. I think this is good, the MSM have absolutely disgraced themselves in the eyes of the public, they go it so wrong. By telling you how to vote, forcing the story around a woman who had no ability to sustain her position there born out by the result. Whereas Trump played a perfect hand. There is so much at stake here. The response by the MSM leaves you in no doubt the Globalists have been smacked hard by this. There are literaly trillions of dollars of deals that are now up in the air...think Military industrial complex, Big Pharma and Big Agri business all globalists all TPP, TTIP, CETA and NAFTA deals are up in the air. I am not counting out an assassination attempt before inauguration. Should that pass without a hitch I see Trump as a not bad President. He is, in my opinion a trader, a salesman....the Apprentice the show he hosted is his persona. He`s the guy who opens the door and gets the deal done. I could see him saying something like....... : “What do you need to make this deal work? What do you need us to do to cut a deal? And work from there. I have no doubt he is a skilled negotiator and he has already got Ford to stay in the US, Apple I believe is going to bring some of it`s manufacturing to the US, Carrier have kept a 1000 jobs at a plant in NC, Convinced the Philippines to stick with the US, and resumed diplomatic relations with Russia and he`s not even in office yet! Needless to say 2017 will continue to be tenuious as we are slowing down economically and this will put a lot of pressure on partnerships. Could there be a war? There already is about 7 or 8 conflicts going on right now and what will Indias war on cash do it`s population and it`s relationship with Kashmir and Pakistan, edgy at the best of times what with climate related crop shortages and possible climate refugees exacerbating the situation. Yes a hot war could break out at any time and ongoing trade wars loom. Democrates........ Putin is right on this one.......You have to learn to lose with dignity, sadly this seems to be lost on the Democratic party and it`s supporters
Another big topic...the big question is can the Millennial Generation tear themselves away from their devices long enough to do anything. Personal devices like phones, ipads etc serve to connect us btu they are also a way to disconnect us from the personal interaction that fills in the gaps and gives real meaning to our lives. It is not enough to know how to do something better or faster or more efficiently if you don`t know why your doing it in the first place and it is not effective. This is one of the big flaws in our money system as I explained before this continual syphoning off money to pay exponential interest growth it creates a game of musical chairs where there is say 100 people and 75 chairs. That chair is your home, your life everything. This means in this game 25 people are going to sleep out on the street tonight if they don`t get a chair but just to make it interesting we`re going to have some people who are better equipped than others to survive in this setting, for further interest every time the inflation cycle goes around another chair is taken out of the game so the game speeds up and becomes more desperate as time passes and desperate people do desperate things. I think we will see some brilliant innovation come out of this, those who are good at what they do will command good pay. I would say that going forward any one who want to work will have to produce a tangible result. I think in education Colleges will thrive as they tend to offer more hands on training, same at universities the soft arts will struggle as parents refuse to pay for SJW (Social Justice Warrior) type courses like the humanities, rights issues etc. Being a SJW will be a sure way to kill your job prospects, no employer who depends on the well oiled functioning of a team will hire a trouble seeking/making SJW to disrupt that. So I think the SJW thing will just fade away, it`s not huge anyway, not as large as you might think from the strident vocal attitude of it`s leaders. It will also fade because not only is it toxic to human relationships in general to tar everything in a negative aspect, it is totally unworkable in the real world, we do work together and have to interact and mistakes will continue to be made and from them we will learn but not by shutting down the conversation, name calling and that all Rights apply to everyone equally. If there is an issue, yes that must be addressed but not to the point where that issue is elevated above the point of equality! And that is the problem with SJW`s it has gone beyond the point of equality.
I think we will see more mobility of people seeking better work, as projects like the tar sands shut down because of low oil prices reflecting lack of demand because although people will be moving around more that will be a segment of the population, the majority, retirees will stay put or downsize. I don`t think everyone appreciates what the drop off in spending for seniors will result in