Happy New Year! I hope you had a Good Christmas and that this finds you well! I was going over my predictions for 2019 and of the top 5 only 3 made the grade. The #1 was the Yellow Vest Protests, #2 A Debt reset, #3 Climate Change #4 Scientific Breakthroughs and #5 A Hard Brexit. So Obviously the Hard Brexit did`nt happen nor did the Debt Reset but the other 3 were right on....... The Yellow Vest Movement has been going all year, slowed in the Summer but has now gained strength as they have been joined by the Unions about pension Reform and Farmers unable to earn a wage because of high input costs and cheap subsidized competition from China. Climate change has also been a front page story with Extinction Rebellion, Greta Thunberg and many weather related crop failures all over the World. Scientific Breakthroughs have also been news with Using Flu Viruses to attack Cancer also the development of sound and frequency technology for the treatment of many illnesses. Robot prostitutes or sex partners have been in the news. New understanding of the Climate and Climate Forcing are some of the few breakthroughs last year. I am call that 3 hits out of 5 or about 65% accuracy........... So my 5 Top Predictions for 2020 are #1 Yellow vest protests........ This movement will seriously grow this year across the globe, mostly because the underlying conditions that caused the protests in the first place are still unaddressed, more over, in many cases have become more intense and the fact that we are looking at food prices increasing in the coming year. There is a lack of democracy about the actions being taken by the leaders of the World, more surveillance, more censorship which is adding to the general feeling of discontent. Look out for that in the news! #2 Climate Change. We had a disastrous year last year as far as farming is concerned........ China especially. The Fall and Spring Army worm decimated crops and African Swine Fever killed about half of the hogs. At one point the Chinese Government had to open up strategic food supplies of Pork to meet demand. This is putting tremendous pressure on Corn, Soya Bean and Pork prices around the world. Flooding or drought hampered a large swath of farmland in Europe, US and the UK. Late Spring and early snows in Canada. These weather patterns will persist into the far future..... it`s not just a matter of extremes, or heating or cooling, wet or dry it is the inconsistency of events... you just don`t know if it`s an early Spring, will there be frosts if you plant too early, or if you`re too late will the Fall close in early. This is the year I had in my garden.... Planted June 10th (3 weeks late) because it was cold and wet, the 3rd week of June the rain stopped and we had only localized rain for the next 3 months! That is literally the worst case scenario. Total Uncertainty! You bet Climate Change will be front and center this year! #3 A Hard Brexit...... yes, yes, I know, but things have changed dramatically in the last 2 months... the election that was also a Second Referendum absolutely slammed Jeremy Corbyn in particular but also the Labour Party in general. This may take a decade for the Labour Party to rebuild itself and gain the broken trust with their core supporters! Boris Johnson has now a strong mandate to act and a lot of pressure to act quickly. I think that negotiations will go South very quickly and Boris will lose his patience. He will do what I suspect he has wanted to do all along (as I have) which is to kick sand in the face of these arrogant unelected bureaucrats and walk away with a hard Brexit! We`ve already seen the bad faith in which the EU has negotiated and the ruthlessness and the undemocratic spirit they have shown the world. I ask you is this the kind of leadership you want to live under? Undemocratic Unaccountable? and Unelected?????