Who could possible forget that we are into day 14 of the Donald Trump Presidency, what the heck will it look like on day 1460??? These micro minds will self destruct long before then! They are actually the picture of chaos itself. It`s like a Black Hole of narcissism and self pity pulling in all the all the puerile nonsense SJW`s who are so disorganized it really is laughable. I mean there is no real substance here really just a case of hate and anger looking for a vehicle to justify the personal rage these people carry around inside them. We used to call it having a chip on one`s shoulder, an axe to grind...is it outrageous to say that? I don`t think so, when you look at these groups and their demands they seem to be demanding their own Rights, whilst suppressing or ignoring other individuals. I was recently accused of being a White Supremacist Male, coming from a Privileged position because I dared to suggest that, going forward, the only system that would work is a uniform recognition of everyone's Rights. To suppress anyone`s Rights is what got us here in the first place. The way forward is to recognize that for what it is, we will never move forward until we all have the same (full!) Rights! Speaking of which I see that Donald Trump has agreed to keep Obama`s Employment Policy not to Discriminate against any member of the LBGTQ community, he`s also not banning abortions! Once we realize that this hatred is Media driven is suspect that the Main stream, Legacy Media will, if not disappear entirely will be great ly diminished after the Debacle, the Specter, the Great Undoing, the Fatal Blunder of these idiots! It is no wonder Democratic Senators and Congressmen are taking lessons in "How to talk to Ordinary People" I kid you not! These so called leaders have drunk their own coolade, believed their own crappy excuses and explanations without understanding the underpinnings and the nuances that govern the World as we know it. either that or deliberately ignored all of the many warning signs that the "system" was coming undone at the seems. Of course Donald Trump will be a shock to the system but the more the Media hit on him the more it will backfire, the more the Media and anti-Trump supporters shut down the conversation the more polarized we will become.....This is not a good situation. I am prepared to give Donald Trump 100 days before I re assess the situation. I like the employment equity, I like the Order to Agencies that if you want an new Regulation implemented you have to get rid of 2 other Regulations. I most definitely do not agree with his position on torture and Water Boarding. Torture never works in the long run, in the end you`re in so much pain that you will say anything, surely we can all see that. Luckily his Secretary of Defense James madis does not believe in Torture and Donald Trump has said he will defer to his wisdom! That`s about all. HS